So since Everett Endurocross I have been hiding with Bryan Roper and Louise Forsley at their friend Mike’s parents place, just outside the city Spokane. Mike used to do a lot of trialcross and some endurocross, and he created a very demanding and technical track around the house he grew up in. Ive gotten to ride there quite a bit, and I am extremely pleased to be able to ride with Bryan and Louise. Bryan is by far the best of the 3 of us and Im not even sure that I would be able to beat Louise at a race. She is really technical and very fluent. Her primary job is similar to mine – she does Trials Shows.
Whats really cool is that I can see Bryan, primarily, make a really difficult obstacle/section look easy and work my nerves up to copycat him. Copy paste technique. Something that really works for me. With Endurocross you can’t do things half-hearted. So it gets pretty scary and I’ve definitely crossed alot of my boundaries today and yesterday. Thanks for helping me out guys, I feel like I’ve come a long way because of your help and training facility!!! A big thanks also go out to Mike and his parents for not only letting me camp on their property, but also for serving hot and tasty dinner :-)
As you can probably see, this tracks is really great, chopped up and pretty rutted. It was a great training session and Bryan kept learning my stuff that I would not have thought off. After so many years in Denmark where I was one of the only guys who did both Trial and Enduro races, and probably came out as the most technical Enduro rider, it feels so good to be schooled by better riders. And Bryan is only 19, but what a future that guy has waiting for him. Taddy – move over!!! :-)
I put on different handlebars today. The high-bars i had on, turned out to be the laughing stock so I luckily had other lower bars with me. It seems I was the only one sporting the Trials-look-alike bars, i thought they were ideal for Endurocross, but since we do so much moto at the EX events, lower bars are key. So we changed that and I put on the worn out Goldentyre GT216X that Fred Crosset used for the X-Games and it hooked up very well. I think we are getting a whole pallet of these tires now, so it should be good. They are SUPER soft and if not as soft, then probably softer than the “Secret Tires” that Taddy and Mike Brown run on their bikes.
Bryan and I rode a lot today and my body feels it now. Lower back pain, my stomach has been turning upside down most of the evening and my ribs are still sore – but luckily getting better. Louise and Mike leave for Boise tomorrow morning early early and Bryan and I, will probably not leave till friday morning, but we are done riding. Our bodies need rest before next round of Endurocross torture – which will be in Boise, Idaho :-)