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Copper Canyon (Mexico)

December 17th 2018

On my journey around Mexico, scouting for a new Hard Enduro area, I found the majestic mountains called Barrancas Del Cobre, known as the Copper Canyon in the US. It’s a chain of mountains 4 times the size of Grand Canyon and leaves you wondering how something this big and impressive can be fairly unknown. The general area is 3,5 hours from the city of Chihuahua and half an hour from the village Creel, and most likely, you didn’t know about those names either.

Also, you probably didn’t know that within the mountains of Copper Canyon, lives thousands of Tarahumaras, the barefoot-runners and native Mexicans. On my scouting trip in the mountains I was lucky enough to meet some of them and I honestly can’t wait for the day where I get to ride in those mountains and meet those people again.

On my scouting trip, I also happened to meet a group of Adventure bike travellers and they ended up inviting me to Gilbert and Holtville on a later occasion for training schools. Small world indeed!

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